Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunday January 10, 2010:
We were up and ready and drove over to the church in time for the 9:00 meeting this morning. When we pulled into the parking lot there was only one other car there. As Kevin went to try the door the lady rolled her window down and told him it was Stake Conference. That it was here, but wouldn't start until 10:30. It was freezing so we drove the ten minutes back to the apartment to wait. When we came back the parking lot was pretty full and so was the building with chairs set up all the way to the back of the gym. I spotted the Relief Society President and Kevin spotted our Bishop during the meeting, but we weren't able to catch up to them afterwards. The meeting was just like one of ours with two youth speaking on how their faith has made a difference in their lives so far. Then a sister gave a very good talk on raising your family in a way that your children know you love them and they know that you love Jesus Christ. When the choir started to sing is when memories started flooding over me, the singles ward choir and all the fun we would have there, the thirteenth ward choir and how beautiful they always sounded, but when they started singing I know that My Redeemer Lives the tears wouldn't stop and Kevin had to run get tissues for me. The first counselor in the Stake Presidiency spoke on fulfilling his dream of raising a family in the gospel and then the Stake President spoke and on a very interesting and good topic. He was very concerned about the many problems he has recently been dealing with among the members of his stake with pornography, adultery, spiritual decay and wanted us to know what we have in the gospel is what alot of people on this earth are looking for and we shouldn't be taking it for granted. We shouldn't be thinking the signs of the times means in the future. A lot have all ready happened and that we are towards the end of preparing for the second coming and we need to get ourselves on the right track now and help get and keep our families and friends on the right track as well. The message was good but after he had talked for forty five minutes and the time lapse had been two hours and fifteen minutes I noticed people began getting restless, watching the clock, some got up and left, so I think there were a lot of people who forgot the message and didn't take it home with them. Sad.
We're tired of this freezing cold weather and wish it would warm up to 32* so we can go out and do a little bit.

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